
  • N. Diachok Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка

Ключові слова:

acmeology, interdisciplinary relationships, interdisciplinary approach, professional pedagogy


The article deals with the relationship of interdisciplinary research in professional pedagogy. It is stressed
on the basic components of professional pedagogy as general pedagogy, general and educational psychology,
engineering psychology, work psychology, acmeology. The article gives the analysis of connection between
interdisciplinary researches in professional pedagogy, which is reflected in integration of the interdisciplinary
educational complex in the conditions of European integration.
The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on interdisciplinary relationships in professional
pedagogy which appear as a way of competitive graduates’ development. Today it is extremely important
for a job to obtain full experience in chosen profession. Nowadays it is defined quite clearly the way of preparation
and evaluation of the achievements of graduates. It is the way of comparison with using parameters passport
competencies of professional standard.
Much attention is given to the opinion of Bochan who says that nowadays educational pedagogical activity
is the introduction of new learning technologies, integrated courses, and development of new interdisciplinary
It is spoken in detail about establishing interdisciplinary relations in professional disciplines which is an important
part of the concept of interdisciplinary integration, which involves combining knowledge, beliefs and practical
action at all the stages of training, the synthesis of all forms of employment in relation to each particular purpose
of education in universities.
In conclusion, the author considers that the manifestation of interdisciplinary relations in professional pedagogy
is the integration process which is the important element of combining general and vocational education
in the integrated system of training, as a result of this way is bridging the gap between theory and practice
in contemporary higher education.


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Переглядів анотації: 168



Як цитувати

Diachok, N. (2017). INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AS PRIORITY VECTOR OF PROFESSIONAL PEDAGOGY. Педагогічна освіта: Теорія і практика. Психологія. Педагогіка., (27). вилучено із