освіта, неперервна освіта, стратегія, розвиток, закон відтворення суспільства, нейропсихічні основи, внутрішній світ людиниAbstract
The article presents the results of the genesis research of the phenomenon “continuing education”. The concept “polistrategical tendencies” is considered as a complex formation which connects philosophical, neurophysiologic, psychological and pedagogical content lines. According to these lines, phenomenon “continuing education” is disclosed in view of: development of human personality, the law of reproduction of society, reproduction of a human as an educated Human (philosophical content line); neuropsychiatric basis of human’s continuing education, engagement of neurostructures “which depend on the experience” in this process (neurophysiologic content line); processes of formation and structuring of human’s personal inner world during the lifetime (psychological content line); meaningful scientifc works in the period from the beginning of the 20th century — nowadays (pedagogical content line). Continuing education is being determined as strategical direction of the development of the world, European and Ukrainian’s systems of education. The aim of the article is to highlight the results of the research of processes of formation and development of the basic principles of the phenomenon “continuing education”. The essence of the concept “polistrategical tendencies” is revealed considering semantics of the concept “strategy”. Polistrategical tendencies are presented as a complex formation which connectsphilosophical, neurophysiologic, psychological and pedagogical content lines. Their analysis is aimed at a versatile study of processes of formation and development of basic principles of the phenomenon “continuing education”.
In philosophical content line phenomenon “continuing education” is looked at in the context
of the development of human’s personality (regular change of matter and consciousness, translational motion, transition from one state to another, process of changing object’s structure and changing the way of its functioning), the law of the reproduction of society and reproduction of a human as an educated Human (Homo educates). The content of neurophysiologic content line reveals neuropsychological basis of human’s continuing
education, involvement of neurostructures in this process, “which depend on the experience”, three functional blocks of brain, ability to adapt to any life situations is laid in the human genotype, typical for brain probabilistic activity. Psychological content line presents phenomenon “continuing education” from viewpoint of process of formation and structuring of human’s personal inner world during the lifetime. In pedagogical content line processes of formation and development of basic principles of phenomenon “continuing education” are studied as derivatives of formation and development processes of the phenomenon “education” and as self-sufcient processes which are certifed by signifcant
developments from the beginning of the 20 century till nowadays. The essence of the problem which is called “human’s gap” is revealed and continuing education as the way of its solution is reviewed.
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How to Cite
Мієр, Т. І. (2020). POLISTRATEGIC TENDENCIES OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC PROVISIONS OF THE PHENOMENON “CONTINUING EDUCATION”. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (30). https://doi.org/10.28925/2311-2409.2018.30.3239
Theoretical foundations of development of modern pedagogy