
  • Lyudmyla Khoruzha L.L. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Theory and History of Pedagogy Department, Pedagogical Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University



The paper addresses the issue of the transformation of the pedagogical education content in accordance with the new challenges of social development. It is noted that the change of the essence of pedagogical education should develop in the content of pedagogical science, since the pedagogy is capable of fulfilling the function of system-forming category. Some modern strategies for updating the content of pedagogical education, which are in line with European educational trends and tendencies, are identified and characterized, namely axiological, acmeological, andragogical and technological. The unity and integration of these strategies in the content of pedagogical science makes it possible to update it and promotes the quality improvement.
Technologization of the content of pedagogical education contributes to the quality and effectiveness of the process of professional training of teachers takes into account their interests, aptitudes, reduce the load, avoid unnecessary information. In teaching science today is constantly searching for new technologies, methods, techniques, learning tools, and the like, that requires special programs in which intersect issues of pedagogy and psychology, General didactics and private practices. The content of professional training of the teacher can be included in separate modules or “Didactics”, which shows the major educational technologies, and special education discipline, for example, “Innovative technologies of pedagogical activity”, “Modern pedagogical technologies in education” and others.
Transformation of the content of pedagogical education is a necessity and requirement of time and due to the new challenges of development of society. Among the various conceptual semantic dominant which is modern education, identifies and describes several strategies of transformation in the content of modern pedagogical education: axiological, andragogical, acmeological and technological. These strategies correspond to the contemporary trends in European education. While each of these strategies has its own characteristics and the appropriate subject field and can be implemented independently in the contents of pedagogical science, which requires restructuring, development and introduction in educational process of new disciplines. However, the unity and integration of these strategies
16 Педагогічна освіта: теорія і практика. Психологія. Педагогіка
Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy
within the content of pedagogical science makes it possible to update and contribute to the quality of professional-pedagogical education.


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How to Cite

Khoruzha L.L., L. (2020). MODERN STRATEGIES FOR TRANSFORMING THE CONTENT OF PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (33), 8–16.



Theoretical foundations of development of modern pedagogy