
  • Hope Diachok старша викладачка кафедри теорії та історії педагогіки Педагогічного інституту Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, кандидатка педагогічних наук



The article deals with the continuous pedagogical education which provides to the teacher understanding of own place in multinational society cause of fast adaptation in it. The professional mobility which gives to the modern teacher an opportunity to adapt changes and to flexibly reconstruct the direction and content of own professional and pedagogical activity is one of indicators of continuous pedagogical education. Continuous pedagogical education provides constant development, independent increase educational and cultural levels (independent introductions of competences, necessity for professional activity) both adaptations in multinational and polycultural the environment. The analysis of scientific literature is presented. It is noted that professional mobility of specialists is studied by different sciences, such as: sociology (T. Zaslavskaya, S. Lipset, P. Sorokin and others); economics (P. Blau, N. Nichkalo, O. Simonchuk, O. Filatov, D. Chernylevsky); psychology (I. Martyniuk, L. Mitina, V. Osovsky); pedagogy (N. Kovalisko, B. Likhachev, P. Novikov, L. Ponomaryov, etc.). This allows us to argue that the concept of “professional mobility” is interdisciplinary. The structure of the teacher’s professional mobility is presented, which consists of four components: personal, cognitive, communicative and activity. On the basis of components and indicators the levels of professional mobility of the teacher are distinguished: reproductive, basic, productive. A role of continuous pedagogical education in formation and development of personality is educed. The continuous pedagogical education provides development and formation of the expert (teacher) in the different age periods from blossoming and stabilization of vital forces and abilities to the periods aging
Збірник наукових праць № 33 (1) • 2020 р. ISSN 2311–2409 (Print) ISSN 2412–2009 (Online) 75
DOI: 10.28925/2311–2409.2020.33.1
of an organism when the problem of compensation of forces and opportunities is put in the forefront that are lost. It is pointed out that the quality of modern professional education is determined by the competitiveness of the specialist in the labor market. The questionnaire and its statistical processing are presented. The analysis of the questionnaire results made it possible to make a generalization: the content of the phenomenon under study is not very clear to teachers, so


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How to Cite

Diachok , H. (2020). PROFESSIONAL MOBILITY AS AN INDICATOR OF CONTINUOUS PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (33), 70–75.



Applied aspects of vocational and pedagogical education