
  • God Mihalyuk PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Department of Theory and History of Pedagogy Pedagogical Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University



In the article essence of interactive teaching methods is explained in the article and the advantages of their application in the educational process of higher education institutions are argued. The importance of the focus of the modern educational process not only on professional but also on personal growth of students is outlined. It is about the need to create conditions for the formation of personality traits such as mobility, ability to integrate into a dynamic society, critical thinking, the ability to generate new ideas, the ability to make non-standard decisions and be responsible for them, communication skills, teamwork skills, skills educational situations, etc. The essence of interactive learning is defined, which consists in mutual learning, group form of organization of educational process with realization of active group teaching methods for solving didactic problems. The peculiarities of using interactive teaching methods in the process of preparation of future teachers are revealed. The essence of the most common interactive teaching methods is considered. Working in pairs is an effective method that involves sharing ideas with a partner and further voicing your thoughts to the audience. It is effective to use the Microphone method to update background knowledge, which enables each student to say something quickly, alternately, by answering questions or expressing their opinion or position. Collective discussion, such as Brainstorming, is at the forefront of the educational process of higher education. The Carousel method is most effective for simultaneously involving all participants in the educational process in active work with different partners to discuss discussion issues. The Learning-to-Learn method enables students to pass on their knowledge to their classmates. The method of projects that determines the acquisition and application of practical skills by students. An important tool for the cognitive activity of future professionals is a discussion that involves broad public discussion of some controversial issue. The role of interactive teaching methods in the process of formation of personal and professional qualities of future teachers is revealed.


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Abstract views: 1148


2020-06-06 — Updated on 2020-09-22


How to Cite

Mihalyuk , G. (2020). USE OF INTERACTIVE LEARNING METHODS IN THE PROCESS OF PREPARATION OF FUTURE EDUCATORS. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (33), 76–79. (Original work published June 6, 2020)



Applied aspects of vocational and pedagogical education