

Modern civilization puts more and more demands on man, regardless of age. It would not be possible to overcome
further barriers of human possibilities, if not the proper implementation and management of individual
Збірник наукових праць № 31 • 2019 р. ISSN 2311–2409 (Print) ISSN 2412–2009 (Online) 13
DOI: 10.28925/2311–2409
regeneration processes in the physical and mental context. Issues related to the proper functioning of the human
body are particularly important in relation to a conscious and rational approach to matters related to the use
of free time. This issue is particularly important in relation to children and adolescents due to the physical
and psychological aspects of the development of the individual in childhood and adolescence.
There is an important role of cultural influences handed down from generation to generation, creating membership
of a specific nationality, country or state. In relation to the socio-economic status, it has an impact on development,
that depends on the level of parents’ wealth and the choice of kindergarten, school, extracurricular activities
of the child, etc. It is often the case that families with a medium material status manage the development in this
way. their children’s interests so that they become the driving force for a career in the future. In turn, in the case
of families who are a very wealthy pattern of interest developed in their free time, he is associated with cultivating
family traditions.
Research carried out among students of Sopot schools showed, among others, that in a significant number
of families, parents do not always have time for the child, and this definitely negatively affects all aspects
related to its development, including the evolution of children’s interests. Time devoted to the child allows you
to recognize his preferences in terms of ways to pursue their own interests. The results of surveys indicate that
some parents have no idea what their children are interested in. Parents do not know their children’s friends who
also significantly influence the development of specific interests of the child. In turn, the pattern of spending free
time preferred by the family indicates a disturbing tendency. The results of the cited studies suggest that parents
do not participate in recreational trips with children. In fact, only the child who is properly prepared to spend his
free time will be able to co-exist in the peer group, share his impressions and experiences, help others, but will
remain aware of the importance of their own needs and aspirations.
Key words: upbringing, family, children and youth, culture of free time.


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How to Cite

Łapian, T. . (2019). THE ROLE OF THE FAMILY IN SHAPING THE ACTIVE ATTITUDE OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH TOWARDS FREE TIME. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (31), 9–13. Retrieved from