The broadening of the European and world space in the last years of the 21st century encourages direct contacts between state structures and social groups, provides a stimulus for cultural exchanges, scientific cooperation, and participation in international researching projects. Professional communication leads to the intensive development of society, which leads to globalization and expansion and becomes the reality of today.
The formation of readiness for professional activity begins with motivation, namely: setting a goal, based on needs and goals or with a person’s awareness of the tasks. The development of a plan, models, schemes of further action is the nex
means and methods of activity, compares the progress of the work performed and the obtained intermediate results with certain goals, makes adjustments.
Modern pedagogical sources present various approaches to learning a foreign language, which is considered as a means of developing professional competence. At the same time, there is a lack of systematic pedagogical research on the conceptual foundations of mastering professional English using online education technologies. The implementation of online education as a tool and means for teaching and learning English (in our study “Professional English for future maritime transport specialists”) can be successful under different psychological and pedagogical conditions. We offer our own model of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effective use of online technologies when implementing remote and mixed forms in the educational and extracurricular work of a higher educational institution.
For this purpose, we summarized the experience of the Department of Foreign Languages of the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies from 2018 to 2022. Thismodelincludesthemainpsychologicalandpedagogical theories, which are the basis for the implementation of online education. The psychological processes involved in this type of educational technology are defined. The main contribution of our research is the identification of psychological barriers to effective adaptation to distance education using information technologies. We have offered practical recommendations to foreign language teachers who use this technology in educational and extracurricular processes.
t stage, after which a person moves to the implementation of readiness, uses certain
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