The article analyses the concept of transgression as a phenomenon of crossing an impassable border, which
appears as a cornerstone concept of post-nonclassical pedagogy and education. It is shown that in the field
of logic, this phenomenon is revealed in the context of the analysis of the nature of logical axioms, which have
irresistible logical immunity, that is, they can neither be proven nor disproved. In modern physics, this phenomenon
is manifested in the phenomenon of corpuscular-wave dualism, which has many extrapolations, in particular
in synergetics, where transgression is realised in the theory of critical phenomena. It was found that this concept,
which reflects the phenomenon of fundamental transformation of the processes of our world, is used in art,
philosophy, psychology, and pedagogy. The article attempts to extrapolate the phenomenon of transgression
into the sphere of specific pedagogical practices related to developmental and formative technologies that
can be applied to participants in the educational process. For the first time in the history of the development
of pedagogical thought, the phenomenon of transgression is interpreted in the context of pedagogical synergy,
as well as the concept of the personality as a transcendent entity developed by the authors, which make up
the main content of post-nonclassical pedagogy and education. The concept of the personality as a unique
subject that possesses consciousness, freedom and appears as a creative being is outlined. It is noted that a person
realizes self-awareness (freedom) in a triadic way: 1) in the process of phase limit states (which are studied
by synergy in the context of the theory of critical states), which involves a change in a certain psychophysiological,
psychomental, psychoemotional state, 2) with the help of transcendence/reflection as psychomental passing
(transgression) of a human being beyond the space-time limits of being, 3) due to the integration of any opposites
in the act of creative thinking, as a result of which a neutral state is achieved, free from the dual principle of causeand-effect dependence; in such a state, the human being is freed from the influences of the environment, becomes
non-adaptive, super-situational, internally motivated, independent of external motivational factors, a creative entity that creates for the sake of the creative process itself, similar to the artistic sphere, where the artist creates in the context of the principe “art for the sake of art".
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