Developing Oracy Skills at Primary School Students by Means of Emotionality in Media Education
The article highlights the effectiveness of practical invocation of basic emotions by means of media educational
content with the development of oracy skills in primary school students.
It has been proven that the balanced use of materials in the media content that elicit emotions of pleasure —
joy, interest — excitement, distress — grief, surprise — fright, shyness — awkwardness — humiliation,
disgust — dislike, anger — indignation, disdain — contempt, fear — horror, indifference — negligence will
significantly improve the memorization and perception of educational material, as well as have a positive effect
on the development of students’ oracy skills. The importance of a primary school teacher’s possession of subtle taste, facial expressions, gestures, diction and a well-placed voice for the successful use of media content
in the practice of school education in order to form students’ oracy skills is determined.
The process of development of oracy skills in primary school students by means of emotionality in media education
is a synthesis of sensual and rational reflection of reality, in which the emotional factor plays a significant and
sometimes decisive role. According to how the students’ oracy skills improves and under favorable extracurricular
conditions of the student’s development, the ratio of the sensual and the rational reaches a balance, sometimes
the rational prevails.
In primary school students, sensory cognition is expressed by a complex trinity of sensations, perceptions and
ideas: first, sensation as a signal to reveal what is sought, then, much more fully, perception and, finally, sensoryvisual representation.
The mental development of a primary school student is a highly intensive process, during which the mental
processes of attention, imagination, memory, thinking, speech undergo significant changes and improvements,
voluntary regulation of behaviour development; the foundations of personality are laid. In this period,
the teacher’s role in shaping the student’s social and personal qualities, his abilities to master language
and literature education is especially significant. It can be argued that there are no limits to a child’s abilities,
if the teacher shows an optimistic and creative attitude towards him.
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