Current Tendencies Towards the Formation of National-Patriotic Education among Younger Schoolchildren as a Requirement of the “New Ukrainian School” Concept
The article examines modern in the formation of national-patriotic education among younger schoolchildren in the context of the implementation of the "New Ukrainian School" concept. In the conditions of globalization and changes in society, it is important to pay attention to the formation of national identity and patriotic values in the younger generation. The reform of the educational system in Ukraine, provided for by the "New Ukrainian School" concept, emphasizes the need to introduce innovative approaches to the education of younger schoolchildren.
The main trends in national-patriotic education are the integration of patriotic elements into educational programs, the involvement of students in cultural and historical events, the development of critical thinking and understanding of national heritage. Attention is drawn to the importance of partnership between school, family and the public in the process of patriotism education. The article also analyses effective methods and means that contribute to the formation of patriotic feelings in children, such as project activities, excursions, interactive lessons, participation in volunteer projects. The importance of creating a favorable educational environment that stimulates children to active citizenship and love for the Motherland is emphasized.
The study shows that national-patriotic education is an important component of modern education, which requires a comprehensive approach and constant attention from teachers and parents. In other words, national-patriotic education is aimed at fostering in students such qualities as national self-identification and awareness of belonging to the "Nation of Heroes" - modern Ukrainians. The objective is to educate not declarative, but deep patriotism, true love for Ukraine, a readiness for heroic deeds and self-sacrifice for the sake of the Motherland. The development of a sense of patriotic duty, courage, resilience and courage are also important aspects.
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