The article is devoted to a comparative study of the attitudes of healthy individuals and individuals with psychosomatic disorders. In the process of research, a theoretical model was created “Features of the attitudes of individuals with psychosomatics”. As a result of an empirical study, it was found that in the sample of healthy individuals and people with psychosomatosis there are significant differences in formation and beliefs. Particularly pronounced were the differences between the samples according to their propensity for catastrophization and frustration tolerance, perception of justice, controllability of the world, randomness as a principle of distribution of events.
It was revealed that people with psychosomatoses are more likely to consider the world unfair than healthy ones, events are random, uncontrollable, therefore they often present their development in the future as a catastrophe and have reduced stress resistance.
There was also some difference in the perception of duties on their own and on others.
Key words: psychosomatic diseases, psychosomatoses, attitudes, beliefs, basic attitudes, cognitive patterns.
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