
  • E. Kochetkova заступник директора з навчально-виховної роботи Приватний заклад ЗЗСО І ступеня «Академія сучасної освіти» з поглибленим вивчення іноземних мов



The study focuses on the research of the digital competence of students in an interactive environment. The concept of public policy implementation in the field of reforming general secondary education regards information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process as a «tool for success» of the New Ukrainian School (NUS).
Problems, status and directions of development of information technologies, possibilities of their application in the education system, development and formation of information competences are widely discussed in the scientific community.
The ideas of the competence approach in education were considered by: V. I. Bidenko, G. Weiler, V. K. Zagvozdkin, J. Raven, A. V. Khutorsky and others; integration of the concept of «information competence» in the educational process was studied by A. F. Akhmerova, N.V. Bagramova, A.I. Mishchenko. Various aspects of personality development in the conditions of informatization were reflected in the works of N.V. Gafurova, M.P. Spodarets, I.V. Robert.
The analysis of the studies showed that theoretical prerequisites for informatization of education and development of information competence using different pedagogical conditions have been established, but the lack of research examining the formation of students’ digital competence in an interactive environment is emphasized. This research is devoted to this problem.
The purpose of the study is to highlight the main problems of digital competence development of students’ competence in the interactive environment. The article also defines the essence and structure of the concept of information competence as an integrative quality of the individual, describes its components and the possibilities of the interactive environment.
The methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach that considers competence as a set of structural components an activity approach aimed at the use of modern methods and technologies; a competence approach that ensures the development of information competence in an educational process based on an interactive environment.
It has been found that an interactive environment is required to build digital competence as an educational output. The main feature of online learning is the use of students’ own experience in solving problematic issues, with maximum freedom of thought.
The interactive environment should be based on certain didactic features of the organization of the learning process, which are implemented in the conditions of interaction with the electronic information and educational environment.
Contemporary means of digital competence formation can be different content (e-courses, simulators, teacher-student interaction tools, distance learning systems, etc.). The building of the digital competence is made through a combination of digital tools and interactive learning.


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Abstract views: 268



How to Cite

Kochetkova, E. . (2019). FORMING STUDENT’S DIGITAL COMPETENCY IN THE INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENT. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (32), 97–91.