
  • O. Bulgakova кандидат психологічних наук, доцентка; Одеський національний політехнічний університет, доцент кафедри психології та соціальної роботи


The psychological components of the strategic orientation of the individual are derived from attracting value
orientations to their own Self-concept and corresponding personal settings, self-esteem, level of claims.
Psychological components of tactical in social interaction is a reflection of the degree of assimilation
and the use of cultural aspects of activity in social environment. Consequently, the psychological components
of social interaction are located within the structure of the “system of goals — a system of functions”. Strategic
orientation encourages a person to search for a role on the basis of a social position, status, social function
and, consequently, the corresponding actions through which the realization of a role in the continuum
of social situations takes place. As a person in his behavior is guided by the signs of his strategic orientation,
so that positive experience in interacting with other actors is established in the corresponding proven
practice of established actions — strategic patterns of social behavior. In the most general form, strategic
patterns of social behavior go back to such strategies, in which:
a) it is noted on the greater significance of its own Self (I> You (He, She, They);
b) the greater significance of the other (I <You (He, She , They);
c) equal to the significance of their own “Self”and “Self” of the other (I = I (He, She, They).
The theoretical model of social interaction as a multidimensional interactive phenomenon of social relations
indicates that it: a) has signs of status-role, interpersonal relationships, structural relationships between
which determine the general pattern of its implementation as a reproduction of the characters of the learned
social, personal and activity experience; b) is formed by the unity of external, internal and procedural factors.
The external structure of social interaction is based on the principles of legal, moral, personal, professional,
competent (task) culture of the figures. The internal structure is determined by the systemic dependence
of subjective phenomena that are reproduced in the concepts of the Self-concept, the personal meaning,
the motive, the purpose, the action directed toward the common object. The procedural structure of social
interaction is created by the transition of a person as a monosubject to dyado-subjective and polysubject
relationships with the certain opposition of the pseudo-role and personality-activity to them; c) plays in role
categories (repertoire, behavioral schemes), personality (confirmation of own significance through activity
Збірник наукових праць № 29 • 2018 р. 59
and behavior patterns), consciousness (modelling of own personality using a simulated role); d) is carried
out with the use of such psychological mechanisms as: identification, imitation, assimilation of personal
meanings, settings, values (status-role relations), development of the Self-concept, personal settings
(interpersonal relations), reflection of the personal and “role” being (autocommunication ); e) content
and functionally ensure the awareness of the person of his own social experience and the integrative
combination of leaders of the methods of the subject-subjective (category of personality) and subject-object
(category of activity) actions.


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How to Cite

Bulgakova, O. (2018). PSYCHOLOGICAL READINESS OF STUDENTS TO SOCIAL INTERACTION AS SUCCESS OF STRATEGIC AND TACTICAL ORIENTATION IN SOCIAL INTERACTION. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (29), 46–52. Retrieved from