
  • N. Zaveryko, Запорізький національний університет, факультет соціальної педагогіки та психології, завідувачка кафедри соціальної педагогіки. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7533-9031
  • T. Soloviova Запорізький національний університет, факультет соціальної педагогіки та психології, кафедра соціальної педагогіки, доцентка https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3676-7978


The theoretical analysis of the problem has allowed determining the general conditions that ensure
successful inclusion in a regular primary, secondary and high schools. Such conditions include informational,
methodological, pedagogical, legal, and psychological readiness of all participants of the educational
process to implement and support an inclusive educational system.
A pilot study has been carried out at educational institutions in the city Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, in order
to determine the level of tolerance of adolescents in secondary schools in relation to adolescents with
special needs.
The express diagnosis testing “Tolerance Index” has been conducted. The results of quantitative analysis
are the following: 19.77 % of respondents have the high tolerance level; 48.84 % fall into the middle range
and the rest 31.39 % of adolescents belong to the group of low tolerance. Moreover, the qualitative analysis
findings support these results — the lowest scores were found under the ‘social tolerance’ field.
Recommendations are developed for the tolerance improvements among primary, secondary and high
school students based on the results of the abovementioned study:
— It is necessary to purposefully develop tolerant attitude of students towards differences between people
(introduction and further development of programs that will consist of the lessons of tolerance, class
lessons devoted to this topic, specialized trainings, volunteer activity of schoolchildren, etc.).
— Close cooperation with the family is necessary for the improvement of students’ tolerance.
— Teachers should demonstrate a tolerant attitude towards differences between people and they should
clearly express strong negative attitude towards any kind of discrimination.
— Principles of inclusive education should be introduced in preschool educational institutions.


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Abstract views: 405



How to Cite

Zaveryko, N. ., & Soloviova, T. . (2018). TEACHING TOLARANCE IN SCHOOLCHILDREN AS CONDITION OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (29), 60–66. Retrieved from https://pedosvita.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/262