
  • I. Suliatytskyi кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри корекційної педагогіки та інклюзії Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка, голова Центру психоінформації, доцент, полковник міліції у відставці, м.Львів
  • V. Salo студентка 3 курсу Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка, спеціальності «дошкільна освіта» (логопедія), м.Львів.


The article is devoted to the actual in today’s realities of Ukrainian society problems of providing
special psychological counseling to ATO participants, members of their families and forced migrants
who were forcedly relocated in connection with the events in the East of the country. The article reveals
78 Педагогічна освіта: теорія і практика. Психологія. Педагогіка
the psychological constructs of the advice of practicing psychologists to the needy, the effectiveness
of the help which was tested in previous similar circumstances.
The analysis of the results of the study and our approval in the course of conducting on-site psychocounsultative
support allows us to state that special psychological counseling for the category defined
in the title of the article will have a conceived result in the condition of a well-considered individualized
approach to each person in need with an appropriate construct of content constructs, putative step-bystep
use of counselors techniques and methods of relationship, aimed at ensuring the active adaptation
of the individual to changes in the environment.
Special psychological counseling is one of the leading methods of psychological rehabilitation of those
affected, among which should be: social and pedagogical assistance to families of internforced migrants
in establishing social relations with local communities and institutions and involving affected children
in participation in creation activities conditions for their self-realization and carrying out of diagnostic
and corrective-restorative work with them by the practical psychologists.
Particularly important for the defined category of citizenship is the prevention of their actions or inactivity
of secondary traumatization of participants in these vital circumstances. On the background of these
tasks, practically timely are the advice of scientists who, like psychologists and military personnel
themselves, visited the place of ATOs included in the event, which gave rise to such psycho-counseling
constructs, as “Meeting with Children”.
Development of informative and technological algorithms of special psycho-counseling with different
categories of victims of conflict in the East of Ukraine is introduced in our priority of scientific and applied


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Abstract views: 116



How to Cite

Suliatytskyi, I., & Salo, V. . . (2018). SPECIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING TO ATO PARTICIPANTS, MEMBERS OF THEIR FAMILIES AND FORCED MIGRANTS. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (29), 73–78. Retrieved from https://pedosvita.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/264