The article deals with the problem of quality of professional training. It emphasizes the importance of the 21st century skills developmentamongfuture teachers to ensure quality pedagogicaltraining. The results of theoretical study of normative documents in the field of higher education in Ukraine and foreign works on the formation of general and professional competencies of primary school teachers and educators of preschool education are disclosed. As a result of scientific research, the skills that provide competence training for students of pedagogical specialties in a higher education institution have been identified, in particular: critical thinking, digital skills and cooperation skills. The problem of training teachers of preschool and primary institutions, the content of the current professional standards, the European reference system on key competencies for lifelong learning are studied. The results of the questionnaire survey of 1st-4th year students of specialties and teachers-practitioners are summarized in order to determine the necessary skills and abilities for a modern teacher. The results of diagnostics of the formation of digital skills, interaction skills and critical thinking in first-year students of the Pedagogical Institute of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University are presented. According to the selected criteria of personal and professional self-development of the teacher (value-motivational, cognitive, activity), the levels (basic, medium and high) and indicators of formation are determined. The levels of their formation are defined: basic (digital skills — 28 people, critical thinking — 52 people, skills cooperation — 23 people); medium (digital skills — 29 people, critical thinking — 24 people, cooperation skills — 34 people); high (digital skills — 21 people, critical thinking — 2 people, cooperation skills — 21 people). The results of studying the qualifications of future teachers of primary and preschool institutions of the 21st century are generalized and the need for purposeful and systematic work on their formation is substantiated. Scientific research examines practical experience in the development and implementation of content-methodological support for the formation of skills of students of pedagogical specialties in a higher education institution.
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DOI: 10.15587/2519-4984.2018.139110
Gisbert, M., González, J., and Esteve, F. (2016). Competencia digital y competencia digital docente: una panorámica sobre el estado de la cuestión. RIITE. Revista Interuniversitaria de Investigación en Tecnología Educativa, vol. 0, Junio 2016, рр. 74–83 (in Spanish). DOI:
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