
  • Hana Vavříková Department of Education and Adult Education Faculty of Education, University of Ostrava, PhD



The professional public has been discussing for a long time the reasons why more than 2/5 of Czech students in bachelor’s degree programs are unsuccessful in their first study. The paper outlines the possible causes of this phenomenon, mentions partial factors influencing academic success or failure, and also lists the effects of the phenomenon on the life of individuals and society. Last but not least, this paper deals with pedagogical facilitation, ie interpersonal activity, which could eliminate some of the causes of study failure (low internal motivation, frustration), and which could set a favorable educational environment, and thus increase the study success of university students. As part of the preparation of this paper, its author conducted a survey, the aim of which was to look at partial aspects of study failure and pedagogical facilitation from the perspective of students of two forms (full-time, combined) of bachelor’s study programs at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ostrava.


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How to Cite

Vavříková, H. (2021). PEDAGOGICAL FACILITATION FROM VIEW OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (34 (2), 47–56.