The article examines the educational paradigm as a genesis indicator of changes in the educational field caused by social development, paradigm as a result of the implementation of integration processes. Besides, the personal self-realization of students as a manifestation of the student-centric paradigm is studied. Іn accordance with the objectives of the study, the following is performed. It summarises the key ideas of paradigms of traditional pedagogy (knowledge, ZUN, scientific- technocratic, paradigm of explanatory-illustrative learning) and people- oriented paradigms (child-centric, anthropological, cognitive, pragmatic, humanitarian, humanistic, cultural, paradigms of developmental and adaptive learning). It is established that paradigm analysis of modern education should be carried out in two directions: 1) to reveal its polyparadigmal character; 2) to provide a thorough consideration of the didactic features of the organizing the educational process within the specific educational paradigm. Considering the above mentioned matter in the article, the examples of polyparadigmal manifestations of multidimensional phenomena and processes in pedagogical reality are given. Didactic features of organising educational process in realisation of student-centered paradigm are also revealed. It is characterised such didactic tools as topic-presentation matrix and author’s music-markers of the beginning and end of the learning process (lectures, seminars, lessons, etc.). The self-realization of students with the use of these means is investigated.
The complex of research methods is used in the work: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, generalization) and empirical (observations, discussions, questionnaires). The complex of research methods is used in the work: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, generalization) and empirical (observations, discussions, questionnaires).
110 respondents were involved in the study. These are full-time and part-time students. Institution of higher education: Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
As a result of the study it is established a significant potential of the studied tools for organization of the learning process; for emotional adjustment of students to the process of learning and for recreation; for their personal self- realization on the basis of imitation of the creative of Others.
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