The article examines the research of domestic and foreign scientists on the concepts of “stereotype”, “stereotypifiication” and approaches to their studies. In addition, the article describes current problems of the process of reforming preschool education and contains analysis and generalization of the factors of influence on the strategy of formation of educators professional stereotypes and ways of overcoming them. Apart from that, the analysis of scientific research of a subject of professional stereotypes and the factors influencing their occurrence are characterized. The ways to overcome professional stereotypes of preschool educators are also highlighted.
The active process of modernization of the educational process in Ukraine provides qualitatively new requirements to preschool education in particular, associated with the transition of preschool education fromthe mode ofoperation to themode ofdevelopment. Nowadays developmentofthe latter involves qualitative changes in the system of building the interaction of educators with preschool children and their parents.
The psychological portrait of a modern educator represents a creative person who implements innovative methods of working with children, has a high level of emotional intelligence, can find an approach to each child, works on self-improvement and raises the level of his qualification. The child is one of the keys. The study of this issue allows to identify barriers in the communication of the educator with the child, to identify the stereotypes of the first and, most importantly — to build a system of psychological support for teachers, as the presence of professional stereotypes prevents the fulfillment of requirements needed for the performance of preschool education. This will contribute to the personal growth of educators and the development of their pedagogical competence.
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