
  • S. Ivashnova заступник директора Інституту післядипломної освіти Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, кандидат педагогічних наук



The article presents the results of theoretical (content and essence of the concept of “labour function”) and empirical research (survey of teachers in the format of focus groups). Analysis of the content of the concept of “continuous professional development” and the dynamics of its changes during the teacher’s professional life made it possible to identify the leading competencies that are included in the content of the labour function. Discussion of the content and essence of the labour function “continuous professional development” in focus groups demonstrated some difficulties that the respondents experience in determining the content of the main competencies.

The survey also revealed the respondents’ assessments of the existence of certain risks that the norms of the professional standard will be interpreted exclusively as new requirements for the teacher and will not take into account the changes in the requirements for the employer, who is obliged to provide conditions for the implementation of this labour function. The conducted research has confirmed the relevance of the development of the professional standard for teachers and revealed the need for additional explanatory work in the professional environment. The respondents also pointed out that the introduction of this document into practice can become the basis for designing an individual professional educational trajectory for a teacher and creating plans for corporate training for teaching teams. Further research is required by the introduction of a draft professional standard, including a possible revision of the activities of the advanced training system.


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Abstract views: 442



How to Cite

Ivashnova, S. . (2021). CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AS A LABOR FUNCTION OF A TEACHER. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (35 (1), 12–20.



Theoretical foundations of development of modern pedagogy