
  • O. Linnik професор кафедри початкової освіти Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, доктор педагогічних наук, доцент



The article reviews state and European documents, research, which determine the professional competencies of teachers. The urgency of developing a model of teacher competencies is due to the tendency to insufficient consideration of the European framework of competencies in the new documents, the lack of trajectory of professional development of teachers, differences between the list of competencies in various regulations. Based on theoretical investigations, the model of competencies of teachers of the New Ukrainian School is substantiated and characterised. The content of general competencies of teachers, which are cross-cutting (civic,

social, cultural, leadership, entrepreneurial), and professional competencies, which are described in the context of such job functions of a teacher: teaching students subjects (integrated courses), partnership with participants in the educational process, participation in the organization of a safe and healthy educational environment, managementoftheeducationalprocess, professional development. Thedraft professional standard substantiates and characterises the following professional competencies of teachers: language and communicative, subject and methodical, information and digital, psychological, emotional and ethical, competence of pedagogical partnership, inclusive, health-preserving, design, prognostic, organizational, evaluative, ability to learn throughout life, and reflexive. The presented model was tested among pedagogical staff of general secondary education institutions (107 respondents from 47 educational institutions took part in the study). The draft document was publicly discussed, as a result of which adjustments were made in the formulation of general and professional competencies.

Taking into account the compensators and proposals of educators, the model of competencies was refined and formed the basis of the draft of a new professional standard for teachers.

Each competence in the professional standard is described in the dynamics of development from specialist to the highest category, which allows the teacher to trace the current level of professional competence, to plan further steps for the development of each competence.


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Abstract views: 218



How to Cite

Linnik, O. (2021). MODEL OF NEW UKRAINIAN SCHOOL’S TEACHER COMPETENCES IN THE DRAFT OF PROFESSIONAL STANDARD. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (35 (1), 21–29.



Theoretical foundations of development of modern pedagogy