
  • H. Bielienka завідувач кафедри дошкільної освіти Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, доктор педагогічних наук, професор



The study presents the brief analysis of existing concepts of pedagogical education; experience of foreign educational institutions in educators training presented. A number of important steps taken in 2020 by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, in the direction of coordinating the activities of the first, preschool level of the education system with the next, primary outlined. Development trends of modern higher education in Ukraine in the context of European integration: competence orientation, integrative approach to teaching professional disciplines, practical orientation, priority of moral and spiritual development of the teacher, use in the educational process of innovative, partner, interactive forms of work with students are identified. Strategic vectors of training of future preschool educators in Ukraine: academic integrity, integration of the content of educational disciplines, strengthening of ethical and aesthetic component of professional training, practical orientation of educational training, technologicalization and informatization of educational process, orientation of teaching methods on development of leadership skills, critical thinking, responsibility and independence of students in the process of gaining knowledge, readiness for life in the changing conditions of society are presented. The new strategy of training preschool teachers who will work in the conditions of constant transformational changes in society, development of information and nanotechnologies, network learning and communication is based on multiconceptual, interdisciplinary, integrated and systemic approaches. It provides an opportunity for future preschool teachers in the educational process to understand and maintain a balance between the pedagogical traditions of European rationalism and the sensory approaches of Ukrainian folk pedagogy according to the preschool-children education.

The main focus of the strategy of training preschool teachers — shifting the emphasis from the teacher’s educational activities to the student’s activities, the transition from reproductive to a productive learning. In some EU countries, these issues have been successfully resolved, so their experience is being effectively implemented in the practice of training future preschool teachers in Ukraine.


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Abstract views: 784



How to Cite

Bielienka, H. . (2021). PREPARATION OF FUTURE PRESCHOOL TEACHERS: VECTORS OF EUROINTEGRATION. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (35 (1), 30–35.



Theoretical foundations of development of modern pedagogy