The article examines innovative aspects of distance learning of a foreign language using ICT in current epidemiological realities. The authors have analysed advantages of the introduction of ICT in distance learning of foreign languages as an effective technical visual and auditory tool and a mean of educational and cognitive activity of students, which helps to increase the motivation and desire of students to learn a foreign language. Means of increasing interactive and communicative activity in the process of learning foreign languages have been researched. The use of ICT in the educational process (foreign language teaching) makes it possible to bring
something new to the usual forms of work of a teacher of higher education institution and a teacher of general secondary education, which contributes to discovering more interesting, more comprehensive and more complete innovative potential of distance learning. In this context, the use of ICT contributes to a clearer presentation of even complex learning material and thus allows to reduce learning time for successful mastering of topics.
With the implementation of ICT (Zoom, Skype, Teams, etc.) in the process of distance learning of a foreign language, you can not only create an artificial foreign language environment, but also bring it closer to the natural, through the organization of communication with native speakers.
Thanks to ICT in the process of distance learning it is possible to solve problems of learning foreign languages in cooperation, as well as individualization and differentiation of learning considering various factors: level of foreign language proficiency, speed of learning, time limits, learning style, personal educational needs and learning pathways etc.
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