


The article considers the problem of a child’s readiness for school in the conditions of modern educational changes. Works of scientists are presented, in which the role of arbitrary regulation of the behavior of a preschool child in the formation of readiness for school is determined. Methods of studying the development of children’s ability to arbitrary regulation proposed by psychologists are analyzed. They determine the ability of children to subordinate their actions to verbal instructions, patterns, rules of the game and build these actions accordingly; identify the level of development of voluntary attention and perception, the ability to purposefully find a solution; establish opportunities for preschoolers to focus on goals, actively achieve meaningful goals, overcome difficulties. It is emphasized that the best results of the development of arbitrary regulation of behavior children demonstrate during the diagnosis, organized in the form of story-role play, play with rules or game task. Regulatory component of activity is singled out as criterion of comprehensive assessment of child’s readiness for school life. Essence of the concept is revealed and indicators of its manifestation in children’s activity are determined. The mechanism of conscious regulation is based on the ability to control psychical activities and behavior — to direct actions in accordance with the task or requirement, to subordinate them to specific goals. The regulatory component of the activity as a criterion of the child’s readiness for school life characterizes the child’s ability to actively implement the acquired experience in the activity, to manage behavior. Following achievements in the volitional sphere will be considered as indicators of manifestation of a regulatory component of activity of the child of senior preschool age: — ability to perform actions according to the sample; — ability to perform actions according to the verbal instructions (follow rules of the game and relationships, your own design); — ability to show purposefulness, activity in achieving the goal, willingness to overcome difficulties. These indicators have their characteristic manifestations in each of the specific children’s activities, organized by children independently and with the support of an adult: play, communication, speech, health, household, artistic and creative, cognitive and research. It is noted, that a comprehensive assessment of child’s readiness for school life will reflect the results of studying regulatory, emotional, cognitive, creative content components of activities, which together will create a real picture of the child’s personal development, bases of the formed key competencies of senior preschoolers.


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How to Cite

Soloviova , L. . (2022). REGULATORY COMPONENT OF ACTIVITY WITHIN THE CRITERIA OF COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF A CHILD’S READYNESS FOR SCHOOL LIFE. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (36 (2), 108–113.

