The problem of cultural and national identity and ways to solve it in the New Ukrainian School


  • L. Udovychenko doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, professor of the department of Ukrainian literature, comparative studies and Greenchenko studies Institute of Philology, Kyiv University named after Borys Grinchenko St. Marshal Tymoshenko, 13B, 04207 Kyiv,



Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine has significantly increased the level of interest in the problems
of cultural and national identity in our country. Teachers face an important task of developing and implementing
in school deeply thought-out creative approaches based on the latest methodologies and technologies in order
to form the cultural and national identity of young people as a prerequisite for their cultural competence.
The normative documents of the New Ukrainian School refer to the formation of cultural- national and civic
competence of students for successful functioning in a democratic society and specify the essence of these
concepts. In the conditions of democratization and humanization of education literature as a subject should
significantly influence the process of forming civic culture and national awareness of the individual and promote
active learning in school «those moral norms that have been developed by mankind over centuries»
The future of the Ukrainian state largely depends on the established Ukrainian cultural and national identity.
The loss of it poses serious problems related to deep alienation in society, a sense of disintegration, instability
of human existence and even poses a threat to national security.
The concept of forming a cultural and national identity for the needs of the present and the New Ukrainian
School may be naturally developed on the foundations laid by our predecessors. Their works are an important
contribution to the development of the content of education and to the scientific substantiation of the process
of national education of students in an independent state. Today is the time to return to their theoretical
achievements and successfully develop the cultural and national identity of students in a country that so
heroically fights for the right to exist. Nowadays, the formation of Ukrainian inhabitants’ cultural and national
identity is unfinished and still going on. A well-balanced course of Ukrainian and foreign literature at school and
the use of active forms of education will help to speed up this process.
The paper highlights the immanent characteristics of cultural and national identity and the main ways of its
formation in literature lessons and formulates the most important, according to the author, methodological
recommendations for optimizing the educational process on the issues under consideration. The prospect
of further research is seen in the study of various deviations of cultural and national identity, their causes and
ways to overcome them in order to eliminate the negative impact on the youth of certain environments and
dubious media.


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Abstract views: 245



How to Cite

Udovychenko , L. . (2022). The problem of cultural and national identity and ways to solve it in the New Ukrainian School . Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (37 (1), 70–75.



Applied aspects of vocational and pedagogical education