Using metaphorical associative images for improving efficiency of english language classes in higher education institutions


  • S. Sokolovska PhD, Associate Professor, English Language and Communication Department, Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University



The relevance of using metaphorical associative images (MAI) in English language classes
at higher education institutions is due to the need to ensure effective communication in the context
of accomplishing communicative tasks and providing conditions for the development of students’ creative
potential. The aim of the article is to determine the expediency of using metaphorical associative images
as a means of improving efficiency of English language classes taking into account methodological, didactic,
linguistic and psychological factors. The tasks consist in the study of MAI as a universal psychological tool,
highlighting some aspects concerning visual aids in teaching foreign languages in connection with the use
of MAI and the development of communicative activities based on the MAI use for teaching students
in English language classes at higher education institutions. There have been analyzed the results of research
in the field of psychological science regarding MAI as a universal psychological tool that allows specialists
to work with both emotional and cognitive spheres of the personality through the interpretation of images.
MAI application is based on a metaphor, appeals to the human subconscious and is used for diagnosis,
psychocorrection, psychotherapy as well as the development of a person, revealing his or her creative
abilities. From the angle of foreign language teaching, visual aids are considered as one of the effective
methods that contribute to the construction of speech expressions. The idea of the possibility of using MAI
in foreign language teaching for the formation of students’ speaking skills based on the activation of their
cognitive mental processes and appeal to the flow of associations has been substantiated. Career-oriented
English language activities on the topic “Digital media projects” with the use of MAI for students studying
under the educational programme “Content producing of digital media projects” have been presented.
The expediency of using the MAI method as a means of improving efficiency of English language classes
in terms of implementation of methodological, didactic, linguistic and psychological aspects has been


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Abstract views: 33



How to Cite

Sokolovska, S. (2023). Using metaphorical associative images for improving efficiency of english language classes in higher education institutions. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (39 (1), 45–50.–2409.2023.397