Formation of communicative competence in children of the sixth year of life in project activities




The theoretical analysis of literary sources on the relevance of the research topic was carried out, it was established
that formation of communicative competence among children of the sixth year of life is one of the key competences,
on which the success in life of an individual is highly dependent, in particular, project activities in preschool
educational institutions is able to ensure the integrity of formation of communicative competence among
children of the sixth year of life; it was found that the topic of formation of communicative competence among
children of the sixth year of life is relevant and studied by a wide range of scientists, however, the organization
of project activities as one of the important means of the particular competence formation is insufficiently covered
and requires thorough study. The essence of the notions of “communicative competence” and “project activity”
was determined. Based on the State Standard of Preschool Education the notion of «communicative competence
among children of the sixth year of life» was determined (multicomponent quality of a person, which implies
the ability to organize communication with others, depending on the situation (the ability to start, conduct
and finish a dialogue), to perceive and react to verbal and non-verbal features of speech) and its components
were described) and the components which characterize the essence of the notion were specified (emotional,
cognitive, activity). The modern forms and methods of educational interaction with children of preschool agewere specified. The characteristics of project activities as a means of forming communicative competence
among children of the sixth year of life were determined: the focus on formation of independent and team work
(the independence in the process of solving a problem — children need to communicate with each other, with
their teachers, with their parents and other people, to establish different channels of communication, to build
a dialogue, to ask questions, to answer questions), to organize teamwork, to distribute roles and responsibilities
among the project participants. It was emphasized that the peculiarity of a project activity is its absolute focus
on the formation of skills of effective communication.


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Abstract views: 170



How to Cite

Ponomarenko, T., & Naumenko, M. (2023). Formation of communicative competence in children of the sixth year of life in project activities. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (39 (1), 59–66.–2409.2023.399



Applied aspects of vocational and pedagogical education