Education of future teachers to work with phraseology at Ukrainian language lessons in primary school




The article highlights the issue of training future teachers to work with phraseological units at Ukrainian
language lessons in primary school. Our purpose is the formation and verification of the methodological tools
for the study of phraseology in primary school through the newly discovered texts by Borys Grinchenko, which
became the source for the «Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language» (1907 — 1909). The task of the article
is to analyze typical educational programs of Oleksandra Savchenko and Roman Shiyan, textbooks on Ukrainian
language and reading for NUS on the outlined topic; actualization of techniques «Let’s work with B. Grinchenko’s
dictionary» (according to Antonina Movchun), semanticization of phraseological units using a lexical synonym
and context; creation of the symbolic-vision method for the purpose of semanticizing persistent folk sayings
in primary school; presentation the results of using outlined methods for studying phraseology by future primary
school teachers.
The algorithm, for using the technique of semanticizing persistent folk sayings with the help of context through
the tall «One translation from the Ukrainian language» by B. Grinchenko, is presented: reading a virtual dialogue
between the characters; detection of the phraseology in the text: a girl as beautiful as a full ‘roja’; a study
of the meaning of the words ‘roja’ and ‘pyka’ according to B. Grinchenko’s «Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language»;
adding conclusion about the context that reveal the meaning of a persistent folk saying: ‘a girl of extraordinary
The article presents the results of using the innovative approach of symbolic vision through Grinchenko’s
manuscript «Words from the Kharkiv and Zmiyiv Districts» (lexical materials collected from the people, recorded
in 1880-1882), which are included as examples in the articles of the «Dictionary...». Thus, the immeasurable
importance of the manuscript and its introduction into scientific circulation have been clarified. The addition
of the title of Grinchenko’s novel «Under the Quiet Willows» (1901) to «Winged Sayings in the Ukrainian
Literary Language» (1975) has been updated. It was proved the introducing the antonomaz Еducator into
the phraseological system of the Ukrainian language, because this year’s jubilee lived and worked for Ukraine.


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Abstract views: 102



How to Cite

Burko О., & Vasylenko , I. (2023). Education of future teachers to work with phraseology at Ukrainian language lessons in primary school. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (39 (1), 67–72.–2409.2023.3910



Applied aspects of vocational and pedagogical education