Implementation of the principles of a trauma-informed environment in English lessons in elementary grades: a meta-analysis of foreign practices


  • T. Holovatenko Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Them, Faculty of Pedagogical Education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Doctor of Philosophy



 The article dwells on the problem of practical implementation of trauma-informed approach in English
language lessons in primary schools. The research is relevant due to the insufficient development of practices
of the implementation of this approach in the conditions of military aggression and the absence of comparative
studies aimed at adapting foreign experience to Ukrainian realities.
The article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of international practices in implementing the traumainformed approach based on the meta-analysis of empirical research and suggest ways to adapt it to the specifics
of English language teaching in Ukrainian primary schools.
The article is grounded in a qualitative research methodology using the grounded theory method through
the meta-analysis of empirical data. The empirical data were obtained from source databases such as ProQuest
Dissertations, Scopus, and Web of Science (n=155). The research results are structured based on the principles
of organizing a trauma-informed environment, including creating a safe environment, establishing trusting
relationships, supportive practices, collaboration and mutual respect, empowerment, and social justice.
The studied practices are based on changes in the physical classroom space, modifications to classroom
management, and the use of various educational approaches in English language teaching. The ways of adapting
these practices are structured into changes involving classroom management and modifications of teaching
practices. Further comparative analysis of teacher training programs for the implementation of the traumainformed approach is needed.


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Abstract views: 98



How to Cite

Holovatenko, T. (2023). Implementation of the principles of a trauma-informed environment in English lessons in elementary grades: a meta-analysis of foreign practices. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (39 (1), 80–86.



Applied aspects of vocational and pedagogical education