. Peculiarities of educational work in the territorial community regarding the provision of speech therapy services


  • K. Siroshtan second (master's) degree level of higher education specialty 016 Special education, specialization 016.01 Speech therapy educational and professional program Speech therapy Faculty of Psychology, Social Work and special education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • R. Pavliuk deputy dean for scientific and methodical and of educational work, associate professor of the department special and inclusive education, Faculty of Psychology, Social Work and special education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8957-6158




The proposed article highlights the peculiarities of educational work in the territorial community regarding the provision of speech therapy services. Based on the theoretical analysis of scientific and methodical literature, the historical development, peculiarities and formation of the provision of speech therapy services and speech therapy as a science as a whole are studied. It was determined that the speech therapist can carry out corrective, diagnostic, preventive and educational work, but a special emphasis in this process is determined on the importance of the speech therapist's work in the territorial community regarding educational activities, cooperation with parents and raising the level of their pedagogical culture.

In order to study the awareness of residents of territorial communities (adults who have children), a survey was conducted regarding the provision of speech therapy services. The obtained results of the study proved that many parents have a certain understanding of the peculiarities of the child's speech development. Most of the answers indicate that parents understand when the child should begin to express the first phrases and communicate. A general trend is the desire of parents to be educated and informed about the speech development of their children. It is important to support this motivation of parents and ensure their access to reliable and trustworthy information resources. Informed parents can be more successful in addressing the issues of their children's speech development and contribute to their success in this area.

Prevention of speech disorders in children is important to ensure their successful development, so parents should have such information. Improving a child's speech is an extremely important process and plays a key role in communication, expression of thoughts, development of thinking and social skills.

The study emphasized the importance of informational work with parents aimed at spreading knowledge about the role of a speech therapist and the availability of speech therapy services for children in the community.


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How to Cite

Siroshtan , K., & Pavliuk , R. (2023). . Peculiarities of educational work in the territorial community regarding the provision of speech therapy services. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (40 (2), 101–109. https://doi.org/10.28925/2311-2409.2023.4015