Psychological Aspects of the Organization of the Foreign Language Learning Process for Students of Non-Linguistic Specialities under Current Conditions
The relevance of the research is due to the need to ensure an effective educational process against
the background of an increased level of anxiety during the war. The aim of the article is to highlight
the psychological aspects of the organization of the foreign language learning process for students
of non-linguistic specialities in the conditions of military aggression. The following tasks are set: to carry
out a theoretical analysis of the problem of motivation for learning a foreign language and to determine
approaches to the formation of positive motivation for students of non-linguistic specialities; to substantiate
activities that contribute to overcoming the language barrier in foreign language communication.
The approaches to the selection of teaching goals, tasks, forms, methods and visual aids for students
of specialty “Journalism” at master’s degree level are proposed for the formation of positive motivation to learn
English. It has also been established that to overcome the language barrier and develop English speaking
skills efficiently it is advisable to use interactive activities in pairs and groups aimed at the communicative
value of speech, the freedom in expressing students’ ideas and emotions, the enjoyment of foreign language
communication, reducing anxiety, increasing students’ confidence and supporting their communicative
initiative with a tolerant approach to error correction. Examples of warm-up activities as well as careeroriented tasks with metaphorical associative images are offered
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