Early Childhood Education in Norway and Ukraine: A comparative overview





The improvement and global change in education are associated with cross-cultural trends and modern
challenges. The comparative analysis of different systems encourages a new viewpoint on practice and
educational policy. The research highlights a comparative view of Early Childhood Education (ECE) in two
European countries − Norway and Ukraine, both with ancient historical and contemporary relations. This
study investigates the impact of philosophical and historical aspects of both countries, as well as various state
policies. The theoretical and conceptual framework is focused on the theory of child well-being by Pollard
and Lee (2003). The data collection is based on the quantitative (statistics related to Early Childhood
Education from both countries) and qualitative approaches (analysis and interpretation of Early Childhood
Education normative documents and pedagogical literature from Norway and Ukraine). The study has been
conducted per the Norwegian Guidelines for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities
(NESH, 2021). The normative documents and pedagogical literature were interpreted with an open,
independent, truthful, and critical approach, considering trust, credibility, and authenticity. The analyses,
which included normative documentary interpretation and systematic literature search, were systematized
into two categories: legislative framework, types of early childhood establishment, didactic approaches
to Early Childhood Education in both countries. The results show that Early Childhood Education in Norway
and Ukraine depends directly on the impact of national historical traditions and economic circumstances.
Personal orientation and social interaction are one of the priorities in Norwegian kindergartens. Children
spend a lot of time outside in all types of weather. In addition, there is a focus on collaboration and teamwo
rk. In Ukrainian kindergarten, the educational process has aesthetic, ethical, physical and intellectual appro
aches. The child’s intellectual development is connected to their moral growth. Moreover, positive attitudes
and a good climate provide good relationships in kindergarten. In both countries, early childhood educators
are open to new projects, innovations, and modern tasks, where personal interaction and the children’s mutual development are in priority


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Abstract views: 69



How to Cite

Holovchuk , S. (2024). Early Childhood Education in Norway and Ukraine: A comparative overview. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (42(2), 41–50. https://doi.org/10.28925/2311-2409.2024.426