The study identifies the relevance of effective professional training of future teachers in the field of preschool education, in particular, the preparation for using media space in the educational process of preschool education institution. The content of one of the main concepts of the study — “media space”, which is defined by us as the space of a set of individual, collective entities, social institutions in the production, existence, circulation of audiovisual (electronic) information, is clarified. Modern media space includes television (terrestrial, cable, satellite, etc.), radio, printed media, movies and videos, DVDs, CD-ROMs, e-mail, computer channels and the Internet. The content of the basic concept of the study “readiness of teachers for using the media space in the educational process of preschool education institution”, which we consider as a holistic integrative, rather embedded in content personality quality, which is a set of values, motives, knowledge, skills, personal professional qualities that determine the effectiveness of the use of media space in the educational process of preschool education institution. The peculiarities of the organization of media space in the conditions of preschool education institution are outlined. On the basis of the analysis of curricula and work programs of educational disciplines of a number of Ukrainian universities, the state of formation of researched readiness of future teachers in the field of preschool education in the conditions of university pedagogical training is investigated. Based on the analysis of the educational activities of teachers of preschool education, the features of their readiness regarding the use of media space in the educational process of preschool education have been studied. The need for further improvement of the educational process to form the readiness of future teachers to use the media space in the educational process of preschool education institution and optimize their independent activities in order to effectively develop the studied professional quality.
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