The article highlights the problem of universal design implementation in general secondary education institutions of Ukraine; defined the normative legal act for the implementation of universal design, namely: the Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; Convention against Discrimination, World Declaration on Education for All, Salamanca Declaration; conducted analysis of the National Doctrine
of Education Development, which states that the creation of conditions for personal development and creative self-realization of every citizen of Ukraine indicates that the modern education system of Ukraine is based on the ideas of humanistic educational paradigm, the essence of which meets the needs of students with modern values, and interaction of participants in the educational process, built on personality-oriented and competency- based approaches; described approaches to defining the concept of “universal design” (the Law of Ukraine on Education defines universal design in education as the design of subjects, environment, educational programs and services, which ensures their maximum suitability for use by all persons without the necessary adaptation or special design). It is noted that the education of Ukraine is undergoing an active transformation through the implementation of the reform of the New Ukrainian School, the concept of which takes into account the principles of universal design such as: equal use, flexibility in use, simple and intuitive use, perception of information regardless of user sensory capabilities, tolerance to errors, low level physical effort, availability of the required size and space; highlighted the individual features of students in three areas of activity where the most distinctive personality traits are most pronounced, because for the effective implementation of universal design the teacher must apply an individual approach to each student.
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