Research of women’s attitudes towards men’s self-realization
: самореалізація; самоактуалізація; самореалізація чоловіків; професійна самореалізація; родинна самореалізація; настановлення.Abstract
The proposed article analyses the concept and aspects of self-realization of adults. The women’s attitudes of early
and middle adulthood regarding the self-realization of men were studied. The problem of person’s self-realization
is one of the most crucial in modern psychology. Social changes affect the manifestation and identification
of personal resources.
We consider the issue of studying gender attitudes towards self-realization of men and women to be especially
important, as such visions significantly influence the process of self-realization of the individual. Self-realization
is a constructive manifestation, embodiment, development and enrichment of a person’s potential.
The study of women’s attitudes towards men’s self-realization shows that the most priority areas for modern man’s
self-realization are professional and marital / family interaction. Interviewed women call work as the dominant
life priority for a man. Тhis proves the women’s traditional notions about the priority of the professional sphere of a
man’s self-realization. Most women think that the best way to share family power for a modern man is to make
partnership decisions between spouses. In addition to this, both partners, regardless of gender, should be equally
involved in all family functions: economic support, life support, raising children, etc.
Respondents see the leading role of a woman in a man’s self-realization as a partner rather than a homemaker
or a muse. According to women, the signs of successful self-realization of a man are effective marital / family
interaction, financial security / financial independence, successful career development, work-life balance.
The signs of a man’s unrealized life are unemployment or frequent job changes, addictions, destructive
relationships in the family. The conditions of successful self-realization of a man, the interviewed women call
the wife support, strong desires and understanding of the necessary areas for self-realization, sufficient willpower
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