Research of women’s attitudes towards men’s self-realization


  • O. Kokhanova candidate of psychological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Personality Psychology and Social Practices, Institute of Man, Kyiv University named after Borys Grinchenko I. Shamo Boulevard, 18/2, 02094 Kyiv,
  • O. Stoliarchuk doctor of psychological sciences, associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Personality Psychology and Social Practices Institute of Man, Kyiv University named after Borys Grinchenko I. Shamo Boulevard, 18/2, 02094 Kyiv,
  • O. Sorokina candidate of psychological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Personality Psychology and Social Practices Institute of Man, Kyiv University named after Borys Grinchenko I. Shamo Boulevard, 18/2, 02094 Kyiv,



: самореалізація; самоактуалізація; самореалізація чоловіків; професійна самореалізація; родинна самореалізація; настановлення.


The proposed article analyses the concept and aspects of self-realization of adults. The women’s attitudes of early
and middle adulthood regarding the self-realization of men were studied. The problem of person’s self-realization
is one of the most crucial in modern psychology. Social changes affect the manifestation and identification
of personal resources.
We consider the issue of studying gender attitudes towards self-realization of men and women to be especially
important, as such visions significantly influence the process of self-realization of the individual. Self-realization
is a constructive manifestation, embodiment, development and enrichment of a person’s potential.
The study of women’s attitudes towards men’s self-realization shows that the most priority areas for modern man’s
self-realization are professional and marital / family interaction. Interviewed women call work as the dominant
life priority for a man. Тhis proves the women’s traditional notions about the priority of the professional sphere of a
man’s self-realization. Most women think that the best way to share family power for a modern man is to make
partnership decisions between spouses. In addition to this, both partners, regardless of gender, should be equally
involved in all family functions: economic support, life support, raising children, etc.
Respondents see the leading role of a woman in a man’s self-realization as a partner rather than a homemaker
or a muse. According to women, the signs of successful self-realization of a man are effective marital / family
interaction, financial security / financial independence, successful career development, work-life balance.
The signs of a man’s unrealized life are unemployment or frequent job changes, addictions, destructive
relationships in the family. The conditions of successful self-realization of a man, the interviewed women call
the wife support, strong desires and understanding of the necessary areas for self-realization, sufficient willpower


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How to Cite

Kokhanova , O., Stoliarchuk, O., & Sorokina, O. (2022). Research of women’s attitudes towards men’s self-realization. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (37 (1), 76–81.

