
  • О. Polovina Head of the Preschool Education Department of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • I. Kondratets senior teacher of the preschool education department of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences



The article is devoted to the issue of the art world of young children at the current stage of preschool education development. Scientific research that solves the problems of the development of young children and the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for various types of artistic and creative activities of children of the specified category has been analyzed. The theoretical foundations of the art world of young children are substantiated. The specifics and potential of the art world are revealed: a guide to the beauty and properties of sound, color, material, examination of materials and their properties, experience of manipulative actions, awakening of an emotional response to works of art. The positions on which educational interaction with young children should be built are outlined: the development of interest in knowledge, activity, curiosity of the child, hisopennesstocooperationandcommunication, initiative, readiness forexperimentation, self-testing

The peculiarities of artistic and creative types of activities of young children are characterized, namely, artistic- productive, musical, theatrical. Aspects of psychological and pedagogical support of the art world of young children are highlighted: 1) orientation to the aesthetic perception of the environment and the feeling of beauty in the environment; 2) motivation of children for research and artistic activity; 3) providing freedom of choice and independence in acquiring experience of actions with various materials; 4) development of children’s volitional sphere and desire to get results; 5) laying the foundations of emotional, sensory and empathic culture of young children; 6) supporting the initiative and personal potential of each child; 7) a sense of the natural rhythms, needs and aspirations of a young child. In the context of the topic, specific situations that help teachers to ensure the effectiveness of interaction with young children are considered. The constructive experience of providing psychological and pedagogical support to the art world of young children has been updated.


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Abstract views: 396



How to Cite

Polovina О., & Kondratets , . I. (2022). ARTOSVITA FOR CHILDREN OF EARLY AGE: ASPECTS OF PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (38 (2), 77–82.



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