Psychological and pedagogical support of younger schoolchildren with speech disorders in the conditions of a special educational institution


  • I. Povirenna second (master's) degree level of higher education specialty 016 Special education, specialization 016.01 Speech therapy educational and professional program Speech therapy Faculty of Psychology, Social Work and special education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • R. Pavliuk deputy dean for scientific and methodical and of educational work, associate professor of the department special and inclusive education, Faculty of Psychology, Social Work and special education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor



The proposed article highlights the peculiarities of psychological and pedagogical support of younger schoolchildren with speech disorders in the conditions of a special educational institution. It was determined that in order to achieve the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical support for pupils with speech disorders, modern research recommends creating certain pedagogical conditions, namely, implementing a set of tools that contribute to the development of the educational and educational process.

The research, based on a questionnaire, presents the opinions and experiences of the team members of the psychological and pedagogical support of younger schoolchildren in a special educational institution. The results revealed that the majority of pedagogical workers have an appropriate level of professional competence and practical skills necessary for successful work with children who have special educational needs, in particular, with speech disorders. It was determined that psychological and pedagogical support should be comprehensive and based on a multidisciplinary approach.

It was determined that a special educational institution can be considered the optimal environment for the development of communication skills in children. It has been established that an important strategic step is to increase awareness and awareness of speech and communication difficulties among all employees of a special educational institution in order to create an appropriate educational environment.

The obtained results of the study proved that the support of social interaction and the development of communication skills for children with speech disorders is vital, because it can help them acquire social and emotional skills for successful adaptation in adult life. However, according to research findings, parents and teachers do not sufficiently understand the needs of these children in the classroom and feel a lack of resources to provide adequate support.


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Abstract views: 211



How to Cite

Povirenna , I., & Pavliuk , R. (2023). Psychological and pedagogical support of younger schoolchildren with speech disorders in the conditions of a special educational institution. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (40 (2), 85–92.

