The article analyzes the scientific sources on the classification of interactive technologies in primary and higher schools, presents the basic classifications of methods of interactive learning on the basis of various features: communicative functions, degree of involvement of participants in the educational process, forms of organization of educational activities, etc. The main problems in creating a unified classification of interactive methods have been identified. A new, practically oriented classification is developed, based on the sign of motivation of educational activity.
Based on the research, we can state the need to create a new classification that would be universal for two levels of education — primary and higher education. The basis for its formation is a set of motives that each participant in the educational process pursues.
The first group of methods are those that meet the social needs of the subjects of the educational process. These include the motive for self-expression and self-assertion in the group and the motive for achieving a collective goal. The second group of interactive methods is distinguished on the basis of motivating motives. Interviews aimed at meeting the vocational-value (training-value) needs make up the third group of classification. The fourth is interactive methods aimed at realizing cognitive motives. The fifth group of interactive methods, aimed at satisfying the mercantile motives in the future and synthesizing the previous varieties, is a set of all the above motives. The choice of methods in this category is aimed at a comprehensive realization of all educational needs that will find their way into future activities, including professional ones.
In the course of the study, we came to the conclusion that the active use of interactive technologies at a new angle will facilitate the training of motivated and positively oriented students and highly qualified specialists, who are able to integrate theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the future professional activity.
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