
  • O. Melnychenko кандидат історичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри теорії та історії педагогіки Педагогічного інституту Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка,


The article is devoted to the development of entrepreneurship education as a component of modern
competent specialist. It considers the features of entrepreneurial competence, the meaning of entrepreneurial
initiative, and a modern entrepreneurial model based on the platform of intelligent entrepreneurship,
and contains a dialectical relationship between social, private and personal benefits, as well as the formation
of a modern business ecosystem. The article deals with the specifics of the educational process in “Pedagogy
of Entrepreneurship” and a set of methods used during the study. The author analyses the importance
of developing an entrepreneurial initiative as a general education for the whole population, and also
emphasizes that the upbringing of entrepreneurial initiative in the modern sense can be understood
on the one hand as general education, and on the other — as an addition to vocational education, which
provides an opportunity to engage in private business. The article reveals practical approaches and means
of development of an entrepreneurial initiative.
As world experience shows, entrepreneurial competence can develop in any professional field and in any
position. It must be firmly linked to human economic and financial literacy. In addition, entrepreneurial
competence includes clearly expressed social, pedagogical and informative aspects.
The features of entrepreneurial competence are the following: focusing on the effectiveness of their
activities and on success; self-confidence; exposure and high level of self-control, ability to solve problems
creatively and non-standard; ability to risk; systematic planning of their activities, etc. In European literature
entrepreneurial competence embraces entrepreneurial spirit, entrepreneurial approach, entrepreneurial
literacy, indicators of entrepreneurial efficiency, etc.
The experience of entrepreneurship development and entrepreneurial initiative in Europe shows that the main
impetus in this direction is the inclusion of the basics of entrepreneurship in educational school curricula.
In addition, teaching this discipline is carried out through new, interactive, practical methods. For example,
through school clubs of young entrepreneurs. It allows to form an entrepreneurial spirit and initiative in young
people aged 10-17 years.
Збірник наукових праць № 31 • 2019 р. ISSN 2311–2409 (Print) ISSN 2412–2009 (Online) 31
DOI: 10.28925/2311–2409
Characteristics of entrepreneurial competence are contained in the European documentson the development
of entrepreneurial initiative of the individual, as well as in the concepts of “enterprise ecosystem”, “intellectuals’
entrepreneurship”, “spirit of entrepreneurship”, “intellectual’s entrepreneurship and utility”, etc. The analysis
of these documents demonstrates that entrepreneurial competence has a pronounced social aspect and certain
properties: orientation to success and ambitions (self-confidence); endurance; high level of internal self-control
(independence); goal orientation; creativity, hard work. To the above listed properties are added important
skills: creatively solve problems; strategic vision of project development. In addition, the real entrepreneur
is characterized by the following features in the organization of the case: informality; decency; trust; transparenc,
One of the main methods of developing entrepreneurial initiative specialists and lecturers consider the systemic
method. It reveals a dialectical relationship between the development of entrepreneurial initiative, the key role
of state power at all levels (national, local) and manufacturing institutions and the business sector in creating
a “business ecosystem”. It is from the cooperation of these components that the system of formation of a new
entrepreneurial and social environment takes place. Thus, we can conclude that a systematic approach
contributes to the achievement of goals at the international, national, regional, local and individual, personal
According to experts on the formation of entrepreneurial initiative, an important part of this ability of teaching
and learning process is the constant interaction between the teacher and the student, free expression
of opinions, interaction, practical content and practice-oriented character of the classes. Training in “Pedagogy
of Entrepreneurship” takes place through collaborative work and work of the teacher and students, the formation
of creative thinking and decision-making skills, project learning, e-learning, simulation of practical activity,
pedagogical dramatization, etc.
In the world literature, you can find the concept of the triad of the goal of entrepreneurship education: training
on entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship training, and mediation training in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship
is a cognitive and psychological goal of entrepreneurial education that needs modern training and mood.


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Abstract views: 67



How to Cite

Melnychenko, O. (2019). PEDAGOGY OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AS DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIAL ELEMENT OF MODERN COMPETENT SPECIALIST DEVELOPMENT. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (31), 26–31. Retrieved from



Theoretical foundations of development of modern pedagogy