
  • L. Sukhomlynska науковий співробітник відділу історії освіти ДНПБ України імені В.О. Сухомлинського https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3055-5392


The article describes the artistic miniatures of the Ukrainian teacher Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi — fairy tales,
stories, etudes, parables, epics as a component of children’s literature, which occupies a significant
place in the modern pedagogical process and is an essential component of the information support
of the educational environment of Ukraine. The views of scientists on the artistic heritage are analyzed,
its creative implementation in preschool education is revealed, its use in primary school, in extracurricular
education, and in aesthetic education.
It is proved that the creative development of the world of fairy tales by Vasily Sukhomlynskyi has
a significant influence on the modern educational information field of Ukraine.
In pre-schools there are widely used assemblies of Sukhomlynsky’s artistic miniatures: “The Clean Well”
(1993), “Eternal Poplar” (2002), “The Flaming Gull” (2008, 2016), “The Flower of the Sun” (2009), “All
Good People — One Seven ‘I” (2009) and others. Based on the content of artistic works placed in these
collections, preschoolers educate the diverse educational and educational activities of their preschool
The field of their study implementation includes the lessons at the “school of joy”, listening to “music
of nature”, conducting lessons of thinking, watching and observation, awakening of thought, narration
and reading stories and fairy tales, discussions with children about they listened and read, physical fitness,
life in the harmony with nature and people.
Interesting and promising is the following direction in school pedagogy as a synthesis of various
educational methods while reading stories and tales by Sukhomlynskyi: children not only read and retell
Збірник наукових праць № 29 • 2018 р. 21
the proposed texts, but also creatively transform them, write their own tales, play music, draw, play mini
games-stories, which corresponds to a holistic and comprehensive approach to child development.
The analysis shows that the artistic-figurative world, which Vsasyl Sukhomlynskyi created for children,
now lives in his full-fledged life, tends to develop, deepen and spread. And these processes should become
a separate subject of research in the future.


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Abstract views: 595



How to Cite

Sukhomlynska, L. . (2018). ENVIRONMENT THE WORLD OF FAIRY TALES BY VASYL SUKHOMLYNSKYI IN CONTEMPORARY INFORMATION SPACE OF UKRAINE. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (29), 16–21. Retrieved from https://pedosvita.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/256