
  • L. Khoruzha завідувач кафедри теорії та історії педагогіки Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, доктор педагогічних наук, професор https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4405-4847




The purpose of the article is to analyse the content, features and identify the ways of effective implementation of the principle of electiveness into practice of adult education. The author analyses the main areas of implementation of such a choice by an adult: goals, content, forms and methods, information sources, resources, place, terms of study, etc. The paper examines one of the most important principles of modern adult education — electivity. As a rule, adults have educational experience, as well as working one. Their requests are more specific and pragmatic, hence, the implementation of the electivity principle in the organisation of adult education can ensure its success. The paper attempts to interpret it scientifically as an individual information request of a person, its choice of various possibilities for this principle implementation in the conditions of lifelong learning. The features of such a choice, the motives that underlie it, are characterised. It is concluded that the success of a person’s implementation of the electivity principle in learning depends, first of all, on the choice freedom of various components of the educational process. It concerns objectives, content, forms and methods, information sources and resources, place of studying, terms of studying, tools for assessing educational outcomes. The author concludes that electiveness as a guiding principle of modern education should find its understanding and study by scientists, identify ways of practical implementation, due to the need for rapid adaptation of citizens to the constant changes in society and economy. Thus, the expansion of human learning opportunities is a positive aspect not only of lifelong learning, but also of socio-economic development of society. These opportunities for human implementation of the principle of electiveness in education relate to the goals, content, forms and methods, information sources and resources, place of study, timing of educational activities, tools for evaluating results. The introduction of the principle of electiveness in adult education corresponds to modern educational trends: individualization, freedom of choice, variability, constant self-improvement of the individual.




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Abstract views: 185



How to Cite

Khoruzha, L. . (2021). ELECTIVITY AS A GUIDING PRINCIPLE OF ADULT EDUCATION. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (35 (1), 6–11. https://doi.org/10.28925/2311-2409.2021.351



Theoretical foundations of development of modern pedagogy