Blended learning as a strategy for the adaptation of the educational process in the school before the war


  • О. Linnik doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Education and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences Faculty of Pedagogical Education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University



The article examines the challenges facing education in Ukraine in connection with the war, in particular
the preservation of the educational process in institutions of general secondary education, ensuring that
students acquire high-quality learning results. Educational institutions are developing strategies for adaptation
to new conditions, the basis of which is the development and implementation of models of blended learning
of students. In the theoretical aspect, the essence of the concept of “blended learning”, various approaches
to the classification of types of blended learning are considered, and such approaches are briefly characterized.
The research data of the State Education Quality Service regarding methods of organizing education in Ukrainian
schools in the 2022-2023 academic year are highlighted. To obtain empirical data, interviews were conducted
with 20 principals of Ukrainian schools from different regions. Different models of blended learning, ways of their
implementation in Ukrainian schools are analyzed. The “Flip Class” technology is characterized as the most
optimal for use in blended learning conditions: with the aim of activating and motivating students. Rational
distribution of time between asynchronous and synchronous learning modes. Models of lessons in the conditions
of blended learning are proposed, as well as recommendations on the organization and conduct of such
lessons are provided. Framework models for conducting lessons in a blended format, when synchronous and
asynchronous modes alternate, are proposed for teachers.


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Abstract views: 164



How to Cite

Linnik О. (2023). Blended learning as a strategy for the adaptation of the educational process in the school before the war. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (39 (1), 25–32.



Theoretical foundations of development of modern pedagogy