The trajectory of effective teacher communication: features of professional speech communication.
The proposed article highlights the trajectory of effective teacher communication, in particular outlines the features of professional speech communication. The requests and needs of teachers were studied and practice-oriented recommendations and advice were developed regarding the peculiarities of the teacher's professional speech communication.
It is emphasized that modern society needs teachers of a new formation, capable of easily entering the cultural and intercultural space, qualitatively assimilating and transmitting the main meanings and values of the spiritual culture of humanity, possessing a high culture of speech. The forms of the communicative process and speech communication are distinguished. It was found out that the consequence of the expansion of the scope of oral speech is a decrease in the culture of written speech and the deterioration of literacy. Modern research on the outlined problem is analyzed. Certain difficulties in building the trajectory of effective communication of a modern teacher are identified, in particular: the need for a universal tool to overcome educational losses and gaps; searching for ways to improve the quality of language education; the need for linguistic and national self-identification of teachers; production and development of linguistic stability of educators; creation of a speech environment that would promote the development of effective communication skills; creation of a pedagogical center for the development and improvement of the culture of business speech; development of methodological tools for the implementation of reading strategies in general secondary education institutions, etc.
Examples of different level exercises and tasks that contribute to the improvement of professional speech communication are presented. Practical recommendations on the implementation of the personal trajectory of effective communication in the educational process are provided.
Conclusions were made that teachers' motivation to improve the Ukrainian language is increasing. It is noted that teachers use their own example to convince students that the state language is the highest value for the Ukrainian people. It was clarified that the development of teachers' speech culture and the implementation of linguistic didactic strategies of spelling, rhetorical and language-communicative competences of teachers in the system of continuous pedagogical education require further study.
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