
  • M. Bratko doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, professor of the department of theory and history of pedagogy, Pedagogical Institute, Kyiv University named after Borys Grinchenko



Abstract. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the essence of the concept of “academic coaching,” highlights
the targets of the coach in education, and outlines the prospects for the application of academic coaching
technology in domestic higher education institutions. There is a brief theoretical overview of current English and
Ukrainian scientific papers on the research topic. The essence of the concepts — coaching, coaching in education,
educational coaching, and academic coaching — has been examined. A significant distinction between coaching
and mentoring related to the concept of “knowledge transfer” has been found. Mentoring involves knowledge
and experience transfer from a more experienced participant in pedagogical interaction to a less experienced
participant, whereas coaching entails the student’s self-knowledge in order to reveal their inner potential. It has
been established that coaching is a specific dialogical and praxeological method of teaching aimed at personal
and/or professional development in which the person receives psychological and behavioral assistance needed
to achieve specific goals in various spheres of life, thanks to the support provided by the coach. Academic coaching
is concluded to be a pedagogical technology whose purpose is to assist students in achieving their educational
goals, increasing productivity, and improving educational outcomes through the disclosure of their inner personal
potential, which allows them to choose their own ways to solve academic problems. The successful application
of academic coaching technologies in US postsecondary education institutions, in particular the Academic
Success Centers, has been emphasized. The study has highlighted the importance of conducting a thorough
examination of the pedagogical and psychological foundations of academic coaching in order to determine
the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of this technology in domestic educational practice.


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Whitmore, J. (2009). Coaching for performance: GROWing human potential and purpose:

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Abstract views: 291



How to Cite

Bratko, M. . (2022). ACADEMIC COACHING: THE CONCEPT AND ESSENCE OF ACTIVITY. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (37 (1), 6–13.



Theoretical foundations of development of modern pedagogy