
  • L. Kozak Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Preschool Education Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, st. Bulvarno-Kudryavska, 18/2, 04053, Ukraine,
  • S. Nurbekova Doctoral student of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, 050010, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Dostyk ave., 13,



The article highlights topical issues of the development of the creative potential of preschool children
through play. The works of foreign and domestic scientists on the research problem are analyzed.
The essence of the concepts “creativity”, “creativity of children”, “creative potential”, “developing game”, “TIPS”
is revealed. Indicators of creativity according to J. Guildford and E. Torrance are presented. The effectiveness
of educational didactic games with TIPS elements in the development of the creative potential of preschool
children has been substantiated. Educational games provide material for the development of creative
abilities from a very early age, always create conditions that are ahead of the development of abilities,
they can be different in their content and they are not compatible with coercion and create an atmosphere
of free and joyful creativity, do not interfere with the child’s thinking and making decisions on his own.
not doing what they can do themselves. At the same time, they develop intellectual qualities: sensation,
perception, attention, memory — especially visual; the ability to find dependencies and patterns,
classify and systematize material; the ability to combine, that is, the ability to create new combinations
from known elements, parts, objects; the ability to find mistakes and shortcomings; spatial representation
and imagination, the ability to foresee the results of their actions. Together, these qualities make up
intelligence, ingenuity and creative thinking. The goals, objectives, peculiarities of TIPS pedagogy are
characterized. Some TIPS methods and techniques are considered, as well as the methodology for their
use in working with preschool children. The description (name, goal, course of the game) of educational
didactic games with TIPS elements is given. It is concluded that by using the TIPS methodology in working
with preschool children, we develop a creative personality, imagination and fantasy. TIPS helps to reduce
formulaic thinking, reveals the flexibility of thought, helps to see and make decisions, teaches people to use
unusual methods, helps to develop horizons




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Abstract views: 83



How to Cite

Kozak, L. ., & Nurbekova, S. (2022). PLAY AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING THE CREATIVE POTENTIAL OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (36 (2), 40–46.