The article attempts to explore and highlight the peculiarities of innovative development of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine at the present stage, to outline the possible “modernization” risks of such progress. The relevance of the chosen topic is due, on the one hand, to the fact that innovation in education is a requirement of the time, on the other hand, the sphere of innovation is extremely complex and multifaceted, so it is quite difficult to study and predict. The following theoretical methods were used for the study: systematic analysis of researches of domestic scientists on the problems of innovative development of society and education, meta-analysis of applied research; structural and logical analysis of the studied processes. Five main featuresof the development of higher pedagogical education and related “modernization risks” were outlined the first two key features of the innovative development of higher education in Ukraine: formalization and regulation of innovative activities in the field of education («top-down» position) and the rapid accumulation of scattered empirical data on certain aspects of innovation in education; the third feature of innovative development of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine is the dominance of empirical findings on certain innovative aspects with low productivity of innovative solutions. Higher education in the information society really needs innovations and can no longer be imagined without digital technologies, but, in our opinion, there is a phenomenon of certain identification and sometimes substitution of the concepts of «innovation» and «digitalization». This is the fourth feature of the innovative development of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine. The last (fifth) feature of the innovative development of higher pedagogical education that we have identified is closely related to the concept of «digital divide»
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