Model of innovative personality: structural and dynamic approach


  • V. Zhelanova doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Professor of the Department of Education and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Kyiv University named after Borys Grinchenko I. Shamo Boulevard, 18/2, 02094 Kyiv,



The relevance of the presented article is determined by the globalization and European integration
transformations of modern society, in which innovation becomes an essential feature of all its spheres, which
objectively determines the necessity and expediency of innovative reformation of higher education, as one
of the basic social institutions, which is the surface of formation of an innovative personality. The purpose
of the article is to develop a model of an innovative personality based on the positions of the structural-dynamic
approach. The tasks consist in the definition and analysis of thorough theoretical positions, the essence and
structure of the innovative personality, the dynamics of certain components and their presentation in the form
of a model. The initial basic phenomena of the article are analysed, which are: “innovations”, “model”. A scientific
thesaurus of the problem of the subject of innovation is given, represented by such concepts as: “innovator”,
“innovative personality”, “innovative type personality”, “innovatively oriented personality”. The etymology
of the concept of “innovative personality” is revealed. The concepts in which this concept appeared for the first
time were analysed, namely: the theory of social changes, the concept of polar dichotomies (sociology
of changes). An overview of studies that consider the problem of an innovative personality from an aspect
is presented. The model of an innovative personality is represented, which contains innovative orientation (a set
of motives, needs, values, attitudes), innovative-cognitive (synthesis of innovative knowledge, cognitive style,
cognitive activity), innovative-praxeological (complex of innovative skills and innovative behaviour), reflexiveprognostic
components (innovative and reflective qualities and innovative potential). It was concluded that
an innovative personality is a product and subject of the modern information society. It is fundamentally different
from the personality syndromes of pre-informational civilizations and is the main resource for the success
of modern society.


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How to Cite

Zhelanova , V. (2023). Model of innovative personality: structural and dynamic approach. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (39 (1), 12–18.–2409.2023.392



Theoretical foundations of development of modern pedagogy