Conceptual foundations of the ecosystem of modern pedagogical education


  • I. Leontieva Associate Professor of the Department of Education and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences Faculty of Pedagogical Education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences



The proposed article attempts to systematize the scientific understanding of the development
of education at the present stage, the challenges and risks it faces in a turbulent world. In particular, the author
revisits the legacy of Viktor Ognevyuk, who believed that the civilizational transition from industrial to postindustrial
society led to the evolutionary formation of a new type of person — «Homo educatus» (educated
person). The researcher was convinced that homo educates has a special mission, designed to harmonize his being
and spiritual sphere with the being of the world. Therefore, today, «facing the era of chaos,» when we do not know
the «rules of the game» under which education will meet the requirements of time, the requirements of the BANI
world, we must create an educational model that is able to respond quickly and flexibly adjust in a turbulent world.
This task has led to the need to study different models of higher education development (elitist, egolitarian and
ecolitarian); to characterize the nature and characteristics of ecosystems, their key components and properties.
The study made it possible to identify the conceptual foundations for building an ecosystem of modern teacher
education, its subsystems, principles of interaction and mutual influence. The conceptual basis of the ecosystem
of teacher education, through the prism of which it is possible to outline its contour, is the following theories
systems (four main approaches to understanding the types of objects of teacher education systems), coevolution
(to identify key components (subsystems) and principles of building the interaction of its elements, their
interdependent integration changes), synergy (to achieve a higher total effect in the interdependent interaction
of subsystems) emergence (the ecosystem of teacher education will have special properties that are not
characteristic of its subsystems and blocks, as well as the sum of elements not connected by systemic links)
and holism (the ecosystem of teacher education is considered as an integral indivisible phenomenon, the result
of creative evolution). The study also found that Ukraine is in the process of developing separate educational
ecosystems, which led to the conclusion that scientific research on this issue is relevant for the development of a
holistic ecosystem of national education.


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How to Cite

Leontieva , I. (2023). Conceptual foundations of the ecosystem of modern pedagogical education. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (39 (1), 19–24.



Theoretical foundations of development of modern pedagogy