The task of vocational education at the present stage of development of society is to train competitive professionals with professional mobility, skills of rapid adaptation to changing conditions of society, methods of self-education, improving the quality of their own professional activities and its product. The article analyzes the modern model of practical training of teachers, namely: future educators of preschool education and primary school teachers in the educational process of the Pedagogical Institute of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. The current modernization of the domestic education system creates increased requirements for the quality of training of modern teachers, which is not only to modernize the content of profile-oriented disciplines, but also requires appropriate organization of various types of pedagogical practice.
The authors investigate various aspects of training future teachers to carry out professional activities in preschool and primary schools. In particular, the activities of the Center for Self-Knowledge and Self-Development, the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies (ICR), the Educational Laboratory of Creative Pedagogy are substantiated, providing a combination of scientific achievements and practice in the educational process. It is in the process of training in these centers that students have the opportunity to model different components of future pedagogical activities and choose different ways to solve them given the proposed features of the pedagogical situation, which will further contribute to the formation of future teachers holistic perception of professional activity. all participants in the educational process, the ability to make independent decisions and respond quickly to the challenges of everyday teaching.
The peculiarities of students’ work in the centers in classroom and extracurricular classes are revealed, in the process of which future preschool educators and primary school teachers have the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary projects, trainings, master innovative and digital teaching tools. component of the educational process and ensures the competitiveness of young professionals.
The article identifies tools for information and educational environment that should be used in working with students (STEAM-education, storytelling, kahoot, answergarden), which will promote the development of future teachers’ ability to self-presentation, the effective formation of their professional competence.
Key words: preschool institution, general secondary education institution, model, practical training, pedagogical production practice, professional activity, students.
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