The article highlights the problem of introducing universal design in general secondary education institutions of Ukraine; the regulatory and legal frameworks for the creation and maintenance of websites of educational institutions are defined, namely: the Law of Ukraine on Information, the Law of Ukraine on Education, the Law of Ukraine on the Protection of Personal Data, the Law of Ukraine on Copyright and Related Rights, Model Provisions on the Website of an Educational Institution, Methodological recommendations on the organization of the website of an educational institution (with a focus on respect for human rights in the online space and other current legal acts; an analysis of modern literature on the introduction of universal design in educational institutions of Ukraine was carried out, which proved the relevance of the research topic and is the basis for changing the philosophy of institutions education through the implementation of the concept of universal design, because accessibility is important to everyone and should become a way of investing in society for all its members, and compliance with norms and standards of accessibility is mandatory in all spheres of human activity, first of all in the field of education; distinctive features of education are given in a regular class and a class from the universe design; a map was developed for the analysis of the sites of educational institutions according to certain criteria and indicators that determine them for the presence of universal design elements; the sites of educational institutions of different levels and forms of ownership of Kyiv were analyzed in order to determine the elements of universal design that are used
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